Monday, June 18, 2007

The Future of Pakistan and its Past

A genuine democracy does not depend on the same leaders. Its vibrancy depends on fresh blood, new leaders, culled from its own population. New leaders who are the best and brightest, and who bring new ideas and fresh perspective to the political process.

If one were looking to see why Pakistan is stuck in political doldrums, even when it engages in supposedly free elections, one need only look at former prime ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif.

In their effort to counter General Musharraf, these two former political opponents, have decided to join forces against the Pakistani president. Here's the problem: these two former political leaders were thrown out for corruption (during each of their two administrations), and the citizens of the country celebrated their departure each time. Apparently, the Pakistani people have very short memories (another sign of a non-democracy) because, in a recent poll, Ms. Bhutto ranked as the most popular political leader.

The situation in Pakistan will not get better if the country does not produce, and its citizens do not elect, new political leaders. Unfortunately, apart from former cricketer Imran Khan, there do not seem to be any viable secular national political leaders in the country.

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